La Poste Meeting Room
The French Postal Service, La Poste, has installed a triple Luminous Virtual Window display in one of their interior conference rooms to open up the space and allow employees to recharge, remain alert but at ease during business meetings.
Luminous Virtual Windows displaying a single panoramic vista in different configurations trigger one of the advantages of binocular vision, which is to provide a wider field of view. In this case, binocular enhances the illusion of depth perception, which leads to an automatic “relaxation response” as the room loses its confining dimensions.

This Installation Features:
Luminous Virtual WindowTM
Luminous Virtual Windows displaying a single panoramic vista in different configurations trigger one of the advantages of binocular vision, which is to provide a wider field of view. In this case, binocular enhances the illusion of depth perception, which leads to an automatic “relaxation response” as the room loses its confining dimensions.

This Installation Features:
Luminous Virtual WindowTM